Overcoming Obstacles

A phone’s alarm was triggered as it was set for 5:30 am earlier by an asthmatic athlete who had a marathon competition that day, now this wasn’t just any competition, but an international marathon hosted in Senegal, supported by various countries around the world and multinational companies. Obed woke up and started his day ready for the event he had. But it so happened that today was the 21st of November 2020 and he always read a chapter from the book of proverbs, just as he was rounding up the chapter, his eyes and mind got fixed on the last verse which was “The horse is prepared for the day of battle: But safety is of the Lord” Proverbs 21:31. He meditated on that verse for quite an unusual period of time and finally asked God to grant him safety. Only for him to check the time and it was five minutes to eight o’ clock and they were told to report at the meeting ground by eight o’ clock. Immediately he started gasping for breath, his inhaler was beside him and after he used it. He rushed out of the hotel and sprinted over 300km to the meeting ground.


Before he had gotten to the meeting ground, he had already used his inhaler five times. ‘Finally, I’ve gotten here, all glory be to God” he said. He already felt bad that he was already draining and even almost passing out before the race had even started. He joined his other colleagues in the team, as they did, they’re last and final preparations for the run, and while they did that the Holy spirit reminded him of the verse the meditated on today, and he prayed again under his breath.

It was finally time for the race, and they all lined up accordingly, just before the gun was shot, it was interrupted by a disturbing news that got to committee, which was about the passing of obed’s mum. The coach emphasized on how it was bad practice for obed to be aware or informed before his race, but the committee insisted on letting him know. News got to him, and he was heartbroken as the mother had been sick for a while now and he wanted to win this race and give her the medal before she died as she was the only one who encouraged him to go after his dream against all odds, since his father had died weeks after he was born by the same sickness he has.


He was asked to withdraw from the race, but he refused and said he was still going to run for God and his both parents as they had both transcended. In the midst of all these crises he was reminded of the story he read in the Bible where Jesus calmed the storm Mark 4:35-41, and he was reminded and affirmed that Jesus is still calming storms today no matter how big they may seem. The runners lined up again, and the gun was shot. And immediately he took off already giving his opponents a good distance. It was normal for him to sprint at the beginning of the race and slow down to be able to have endurance to finish, but this time it was different. He sprinted and just continued sprinting, when he realized how fast and consistent, it felt like he was given the strength of two men. “This isn’t just the strength of two men but the strength of two really good athletes” he said and chuckled. He was finally able to smile, and he felt like he was in the presence of God as the inner Joy he had was so full and deep inside, despite all that happened, Jesus had really started the work in him, and he had started overcoming his obstacles.


But there was still one obstacle left finishing the race. Just as he was sprinting across the track without even using his inhaler once as he was about 10km away from winning this competition, he started noticing he was getting slower and the runner up was getting closer and closer until they were running neck to neck, he whispered a word of prayer “God I just need a miracle”. He started feeling a strong attack just less than 5km to the finish line still neck to neck with the other runner, so he couldn’t even pause or break his run to use his inhaler. And as fate would have it, he got a strong asthmatic attack and fainted on the finish line. Some people even thought he was dead considering all that happened to him. But to the glory of God, he was resuscitated after hours, and it so happened that he actually won that race because he fell, as when the other runner was already 3cm in front of him, but because he fell he was 4cm in front of him, which made him win the race by a very slim margin of just a centimeter.


 He was awarded accordingly and gave all the glory to God openly and it was recorded that over three thousand souls were saved when people saw all that happened in the life of Obed. When he got back to his team’s meeting place, He shared what he saw while he was unconscious, in his words “The Holy Spirit appeared to me and showed me how all that happened to me was for a purpose. He talked about how when I had few minutes to get here and I had to sprint, God was preparing and training me himself for the race, and even when the devil brought the news of my mother’s death to my attention and wanted to depress me and stop my success, God used it as a fuel for my run. And even when I had that attack at the wrong time, God turned it to be the best time and made me win the race through it.” He also encouraged and advised his teammates that all things work together for good to them that love God Romans 8:28 and never to see oppositions or struggles as obstacles but as stepping stones to victory. He led all his teammates to Christ that day including his coach.


I, the writer of this story was also part of his team, and I use his story to encourage you and tell you can surely overcome all that you're going through, it’s a new year and you’ve made resolutions and goals you want to achieve even if they look like they are not going as planned, or your already struggling, God is there for you, and He will always be there for you if you accept Him, if you have not accepted him today you can do that, and let Him guide you all through the way.




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