The one who gave it all.


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Our Lord Jesus Christ adopted the storytelling mode in his ministry to captivate and bring the listeners to see what he speaks about as what they see around them.

One of the popular parables of our Lord Jesus was that of the one who gave all that she had to God. The widow was helpless, had no one to take care of her, no work, nothing yet she brought all she had to God.

The story of this widow has opened our eyes to see that it is not about how much you give in church, it is not about how huge your offering is, it is not the amount of your tithe that matters, but the state of the heart that is giving it that matters.

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Sometimes ago, there was a need to gather some amount of money in my church due to the ongoing church project. Families and individuals were expected to bring to the house of God their parts of the money. On the day of the gathering, I had nothing with me except four hundred naira. I felt I was going to give God more than that, but I was broke during the week, so I was left with four hundred naira only.

Quickly, I decided I was going to give God two hundred naira and keep the other half for the next day at work. This was settled in my mind until it was time to pay the money, I felt the need to drop all that I had for God. It was already a pain in my heart that I was going to give God four hundred naira, but I had no choice because that was all I had. That day, I gave all that I had, and I felt peace.

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My case was like that of the widow. She gave all willingly and she felt peace all around her. Jesus said in the book this amazing woman story was told. He said, "of all that gave, she gave and was accepted plus her offering." This was a genuine sacrifice unto God.

Mark.12.41 - And He sat down opposite the treasury and saw how the crowd was casting money into the treasury. Many rich [people] were throwing in large sums.

Mark.12.42 - And a widow who was poverty-stricken came and put in two copper mites [the smallest of coins], which together make half of a cent.

Mark.12.43 - And He called His disciples [to Him] and said to them, Truly and surely, I tell you, this widow, [she who is] poverty-stricken, has put in more than all those contributing to the treasury.

Mark.12.44 - For they all threw in out of their abundance; but she, out of her deep poverty, has put in everything that she had - [even] all she had on which to live.

 This is the kind sacrifice that God desires, not one of compulsion, but one of willingness.

Though poverty-stricken, the widow gave all that she possessed willingly without being compelled. Many times, Christians forget that God is not interested in our money, but rather he is interested in our willful offerings. Our willingness to give have been abolished by the thought that our pastors are the ones that would spend our money. This is a wrong notion. To live a life worthy of the kingdom of God, be ready to give willingly without being compelled. It is not how far, but how well. 

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When we give to God, we do ourselves favor. He said that he will not allow the termites to enter our place of storage when we give unto him. (Malachi 3:10-11).


Someone once said, if prayers and praises does not work, why don't you try giving unto God willingly. Most times, when we give, we open doors that has been shut. 

Many people are enjoying the blessings of the sacrifices their parents have made.


Giving willingly helps to develop the church, it enables the gospel to reach people as money and other things are used. One of the Baptist hymns says if you can't go, your money can go. This means that willful giving to God spreads the gospel.

Giving goes beyond money alone, it includes time, talents, gifts and service. 

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Giving is not until you have it recognized, be sure that these two are present every time you give.

1. Willingness 

This is the first law of giving unto God. It must not be out of compulsion; it must be willing. Willingness is what a giver must possess.  Don't be forced. Just like the widow, she gave willingly even though she was poor.

2. The state of your heart.

The state of your heart matters as the scriptures says as a man thinketh in his heart so is he. The state of your heart matters to God, not the state of your money. Your offering has no value when your heart is wrong.

The story of this widow shows how important giving to God is. It is not just for his good, but for our especially.  God does not spend the money but be sure that you don't grumble when you give money to Him. Set your heart in alignment as you journey day by day with Him. He desires to see you align with Him.

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