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One of the most popular names of God is; Faithful through generations. God, who is the Creator of the heavens and the earth has never ceased in his act of faithfulness from one generation to another. He has done it before and He is still in the business. One of the fascinating stories of His faithfulness in the whole of the scriptures is that of King David, who was the second king of Israel.


Leaving a lasting legacy for unborn children is usually common among wealthy parents who have material possessions. It is not all parents that have the opportunity to leave material legacies for their children but believe me, whether they like it or not, there is always a legacy left behind. One of the common legacies is the; Name. Every parent leaves the legacy of their names to their children, be it a good one, or a bad one.  


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Journeying through King David’s life, it is discovered that he was a man after God’s heart as he submitted to God all his life and lived an obedient life. Though he had flaws, he won God’s heart and God decided to make an everlasting covenant with him and his generations. At some point, there was a need for a rethink of this legacy of David due to Solomon's negligence, but because of the faithfulness of God, the legacy remained. 


As we have concluded ahead, legacies are important to every generation because they play an important role in the new generation. David’s children were destined to rule the whole region of Israel if they remained faithful to God, but disobedience and parental carelessness led to Solomon having to part away with the legacies that his father had guarded jealously before his death. This is to imply that many generations lost their leagues due to negligence, disobedience, and faithlessness. Just like Solomon, it takes grace to hold on to the remnants of our legacies when we go the wrong path.


What is legacy?


 A legacy is something transmitted by or received from an ancestor or predecessor or the past. This simply means that legacy is transmitted to be received.  


A lot of legacies can be passed on from one generation to another, and they range from material possessions, wealth possession, positions, or ruling seats, which is popular with the monarch and spiritual legacies. All of these legacies are essential but the most essential of all of these is the Spiritual legacy.


Tracing the genealogy of David, it is seen that of all the legacies he left for his son,  he emphasized so much on the spiritual realm which he is handing over to him.

1Kgs.2.2 - I go the way of all the earth. Be strong and show yourself a man;

1Kgs.2.3 - Keep the charge of the Lord your God, walk in His ways, keep His statutes, His commandments, His precepts, and His testimonies, as it is written in the Law of Moses, that you may do wisely and prosper in all that you do and wherever you turn,


David knew the importance of the leaving spiritual legacy for his son, and this made him admonish him without mincing words. He gave him a glimpse of what he would be getting in return if he took it seriously without letting it go.


Leaving spiritual legacies for one’s children helps to maintain relevance for the rest of time. Solomon left his father's advice for him by disobeying and his kingdom was given to his neighbor.  Spiritual legacies navigate through all other aspects of legacies because it is the root of all of them. Abandoning spiritual legacies will only lead to the mismanagement of all others.


Importance of Spiritual Legacies.


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Lasting relevance

The first thing that spiritual legacies do to whoever inherits it is to make the person relevant even after death. Even after the death of Solomon, the promise of God remains with the household of David and it was fulfilled in the time of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Holding on to spiritual legacies jealously, makes the generations last longer on the earth's surface.


I heard the stories of two ministers who were invited to minister during a seven-day prayer meeting. One was older, the other was a young minister.  It was a struggle for the older minister as his audience was not flowing well with him during the program.  He felt he was cheated by God because it was not the same for the younger minister. He was sure that God called him to minister at the program. He questioned God and the response he got was “Nobody in your generation has served me, you are the first to do so, so you are paving the way for the next generation but for that young minister, he is the fifth generation to serve me”.


This is to show that leaving spiritual. legacies for one's children to inherit is one of the best gifts you can leave them.


Solomon never had to struggle with God at his starting point in life because his father already taught him. It was not difficult for Isaac to hesitate in the cool of the day because he got it from his father. He knew whom and where to go to the moment Rebekah was barren.


Leaving spiritual legacies brings the generation closer to God. There wouldn't be a need to struggle with God as the desire would be boiling in them. Solomon's flaws for many women began with his father's idea of many wives. He grew up to see his father having a harem of wives and this shaped his life and it became a disaster for him.


Leaving spiritual legacies enables rest and an easy lifestyle. Though challenges are bound to be there is peace. That is silence even in the midst of the raging storm.  Spiritual legacies give eternal peace of mind and there is rest on all sides like that of Solomon. He never fought a battle and supplies were brought to him because of what his father had done.


It might not be easy, but the fact is spiritual legacies are the root of all of the legacies.  If you are planning on leaving a lasting inheritance for your generation, don't forget to add a spiritual legacy to it. 

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