The hem of His garment.


One of the ministries of our Lord Jesus Christ during His time here on earth is the healing ministry. Christ, according to the scriptures, went about having compassion for the people and healing them. Of all of his acts of healing, the one that always left me in awe was the touch of the hem of his garment. This woman had one thing that made her receive healing: faith. Her story gave me hope even when I was in a moment of distress. It was a time when all hope had been lost for me, and I never thought that I was going to break out of it. 


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Some time ago, I was diagnosed with an ulcer, and I wondered how I got there. I noticed that I was having some pain in my stomach, and most times, when I eat certain foods, I always feel nauseous. At first, I never took it seriously until I was in serious pain and could not hold it any longer. My parents were unaware of what was going on until I fainted during class one day. I was resuscitated, and my parents demanded that I go to the hospital for a checkup. At the hospital, the doctor ran some tests, and it was discovered that I had an ulcer, though it was still in its early stages. Quickly, he wrote a prescription, and I took it to the pharmacy. 


Two injections were administered to me quickly, and about four drugs of different brands were prescribed. I went home, and I couldn't help but ensure that I took the drugs. I hate taking drugs, but at that point, I had no choice because I desired to be well. A few weeks after the diagnosis, I told a friend about it, and he requested that we pray about it. We started praying every night, and one day, as we were praying, I felt that the pain was no longer there. I decided to check if what I felt was real, so I started eating the food items that I had been told to avoid.  I started eating them without any pain from an ulcer. I touched the hem of Jesus' garment, and I was healed. 


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Many stories of God’s power to heal are everywhere, and the only thing needed to activate the healing power is faith. Just like in my case, the woman with the issue of blood had a severe case. Bleeding is one of the deadliest ailments that a woman can have. It was a moment of distress for her, as sanitary pads and tampooms could not hold the measure of what was being discharged from her every moment. There was a time I heard from a commentary that she could not go without blood dripping from her. She was stuck with bleeding every hour, and nothing could hold her. 


Doctors and specialists have diagnosed her, and there is no cure for her predicament. She suffered pain, stigma, and bullying, and she did not even have a chance of getting pregnant, not to mention having a child. This was because no one was ready to bear her pain. She suffered every hour, day, month, and year for twelve good years without any moment of happiness. 


This was how she had lived her life for twelve years until she met Him, who changed her life. She must have heard of all that Christ had done, and this gave her hope that she could be healed. The day she saw Christ passing, she decided to hold onto the power that Christ possessed. At first, fear wanted to keep her from getting her blessing, but she decided to take the bull by the horns. She applied the strategy of wisdom by going amid the crowd, and then she had the resolution that “if only I could touch the hem of his garment, I would be made whole.”. 

This is the power to activate the healing power of God; it is by faith and not by the sight of what the situation speaks to you at that moment. 

Matt. 9.20: And behold, a woman who had suffered from a flow of blood for twelve years came up behind Him and touched the fringe of His garment.

Matt. 9.21: For she kept saying to herself, If I only touch His garment, I shall be restored to health.


The instant she touched the hem of His garment, Christ felt power go out of him because it was a touch of faith. This is the key to being healed. God is still in the ministry of healing men, but one thing that has made many not get it is that they cannot key into it. 


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Faith is the key to accessing the healing power of God. Like myself, though my faith was not strong, the faith of my friend, and from all that I had been told and seen, I keyed into it and believed God. The Bible says that if you believe, you will see the glory of God.


Faith is the key; fear will try to make you lay low, and it will bring to your memories the words of the doctors. It will even trap you with the fact that you still have the doctor's report with you, but just like the woman, you need the strategy of wisdom, which is just touching the hem of his garment. You just need to push in through the crowds and touch the hem of his garment. 


Forget about the crowds and scale through without fear. Awake your faith and receive your healing. God is still healing people; the only thing needed to activate it is faith.

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