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"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.

In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your path" Prov 3:5- 6(KJV)


Following God is a major expression of faith that involves putting all your trust and casting all cares upon God. It is a way of expressing profound devotion to our maker and in everything we do, we should always follow the leading and direction of God.


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Here are 12 major ways to follow God in our day to day life

1. Start your day with God: Making it a habit to talk to God and hear His voice before beginning our day helps us to follow God for the day. Once we hear God in the morning before leaving our beds, we will be directed throughout the day and we will be able to follow God's direction for the rest of the day.


2. Give yourself to the studying of the word: The bible says in Psalm 119:105 that "Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light onto my path". The word of God is a major tool for direction and giving yourself time to study it will help you follow God throughout your day.


3. Daily seek God's will: Knowing what God's will is per time helps us to do accordingly. So everyday, we should seek what is the will of God and do it so as to follow him accordingly.


4. Total surrender to God: "Cast your cares upon the Lord for He cares for you". To follow God, you have to give your whole to him . Totally give everything to God, and withhold nothing from Him.


5. Humility: This is the act of believing yourself to be nothing without God. Always acknowledge that your strength and understanding will fail you and depend on God for wisdom and direction in everything you do.


6. Be patient: There are sometimes that following God's direction might look meaningless, but once you exercise patient and depend fully on God, you'll surely see that God ha stage best in store for you.


7. Put God first: This involves you prioritizing God. This will enable to consider God's will first before considering any other thing, and this enables you to follow through with God's will.


8. Stay amidst people of like minds: Surround yourself with brethren who have the same mind about following God, this will enable you to get the right advice about following God at all times.


9. Engage in spiritual growth: this involves investing your time in spiritual activities like prayer, fasting and meditation .This will help you remain connected to God and you will be able to follow God's leading at all times.


10. Do not be anxious: Be anxious for nothing, but in prayers and supplications make your request known unto God. Do not think about what is happening around you bit put your full trust in God's providence.


11. Love God with all your heart: Once you love God passionately, you will want to do everything He commands. Even the bible proves this  when iit says "If you love me you will do my will".


12. Live a fasted life: Denying yourself of worldly pleasures and staying fasted will help you follow God's will in everything you do.



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Our God is not a God of confusion but he brings clarity and light to everything. If you follow God in everything you do, confusion is far from you.


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