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“My Father, my father! Deliver me from the hands of my enemies. Save me from them, oh Lord!


Deliver me from their snares Lord, let them enter the pit themselves”.  


Whenever we are asked to pray these kinds of prayers in church, the vigor and energy at which people pray still baffles me. Many would hold their heads, many would roll on the floor, many would shout on the top of their lungs, others would sweat as if they are been chased by their enemies. Some would even start mentioning the names of their enemies as if the enemies were with them in the prayer session. If it was to be a call to pray for the nation, the morale would be kind of low but if it was a call to pray over our enemies, we would get the energy even if we are tired.


Many go to mountains for days and the only prayer requests is “God kill my enemies”. Yet in all of these mountainous prayers and fasting, enemies no dey finish. You fight one today, another go rise, why because we are targeting the wrong prey. Praying that God should destroy our enemies which are probably our neighbors, our office partners, and others, is not bad but we shouldn't leave the original prey at hand and focus on the wrong ones.


When someone portrays himself/herself as your enemy, they are being influenced by a higher force and not by their will. The one who is instigating these people to be who they are towards us is the devil. He is the force behind all of these actions of the people who considered as our enemies. In the order of creation, spirit beings needs a house to be in operation and this was why God gave Adam and Eve a house called the Body. So the devil as a spirit, knowing this truth needs a body to perpetrate his evil actions and he goes into empty bodies that is bodies void of the spirit of God.


While in these bodies, he uses and influences them to do all that we see them so to us. It is not their nature, but they are being instigated by the one occupying their body. And this is why Jesus called out to all believers in the scriptures that love your enemies and pray for those who curses you.


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This is so because our Master knew that the original enemy is not those people in our neighborhood, but the one who has been casted out of heavens.

1Pet.5.8 - Be well balanced (temperate, sober of mind), be vigilant and cautious at all times; for that enemy of yours, the devil, roams around like a lion roaring [in fierce hunger], seeking someone to seize upon and devour.

This scripture is the underlying factor that people who makes themselves our enemies are not the ones we should fight but rather, we should love them and pray for them as Jesus Christ has commanded.

Luke 6:35- “Love your enemies! Do good to them! Lend to them! And don’t be concerned about the fact that they won’t repay. Then your reward from heaven will be very great, and you will truly be acting as sons of God: for he is kind to the unthankful and to those who are very wicked.

Having this understanding, we should know that we don't need to lay curses on people who poses as our enemies, instead we should do these;


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1. LOVE. 

This is the number one instruction towards them who poses as our enemies. Don't hate them, instead love them as Jesus Christ has commanded. It can be very hard to love one who hates us but our perfect example of God showed us this.

 While he was been beaten, he never cursed them instead he showed them love.

So as His disciples, we must endeavor to show love in return of the hatred we receive from them.

Our love to them will cause them a change of heart and before we know it, they would want to forsake their evil ways.



Love us in our actions and responses to their actions while prayer is our projection towards their spirit. Instead of trying to fight them with words of our mouth physically, let's take it to the realm of the spirit where we tackle their spirit that has been occupied.

Don't exchange words with them, exchange words with them on your knees and win them over in prayers.



A long time ago while I was still young but I knew the right from wrongs. My guardians has a friend whose wife hated my guardian’s wife because she felt she had everything she did not which was not true. She would say bad things behind her and laugh at her face, which my guardian's wife knew about.

Instead of her retaliating, she would give her things, many times this woman would come over and she would eat like she owned the house. One day I asked my guardian why she is doing that when she knew that woman hated her, she would always respond that “ it is not her fault, she does not know what she is doing”.

Feed your enemies, give them food, cloth them, and let them see that indeed you are not like them. Don't give without willingness, give to them willingly from your heart.




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Enemies are inevitable as long as the devil is still roaming and as long as we have empty bodies void of the spirit of God. They will always exists and they will always be instigated against us.

Instead of retaliating, love, pray and give to them. Don't lay curses on them, let it be evident to them that you are not like them. 

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