Being a good follower

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When I first started out as a growing writer, and I turned my Facebook page into a professional one that requires people to follow me, I asked myself several questions. I thought to myself if I really had what it takes for people to follow me. Followership is one thing that people never took time to think about and yet, they claim they are following a personality or a public figure, yet they have no relationship with such individuals.


Followership requires a relationship that goes beyond what we usually think it is. There are two things required of following a personality or a public figure.


The first requirement of a follower is the ability to know the person you are following more than the distance relationship. Which means that you can't follow someone that you don't know closely. If the followers of this blog are asked  what they know about this blog, they might not be able to give detailed info about the owner because they have not been in a close relationship with him. But if you ask his siblings or his close friends, they will have something more to say about him. This is so because these are the people who have been in a close relationship with him.


The same way our Master, Jesus Christ, said if any man will follow Him, he must be ready to deny himself daily, carry his cross and then follow him. You can't follow someone that you are out in a relationship with. No one can follow Christ without knowing Him or without walking closely with him. The same way you can't follow an earthly public figure without having a close relationship with such person, or you having to read up or like the post if such person, it is the same way you can't follow Christ from afar.


‘But I have heard that following Christ is hard and requires some effort’. I know that is what you have been told, but this is just a myth that does not exist in the dictionary of God.  


Following Christ is not as hard as it has been painted to us, rather it is one of the simplest things to do if only we can get the basic knowledge of what He expects of us.




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Luke 9:23 says,


 Jesus continued to say to all of them, “Any of you who want to be my follower must stop thinking about yourself and what you want. You must be willing to carry the cross that is given to you every day for following me. [ ERV version].



This passage simply means that there are three things needed to follow Christ and these three things seem to be the hardest and most treasured of our possession.





This is the number one thing that we need to get rid of as we determine to follow Christ. Get rid of thoughts that have to do with you and focus on Him alone. Let the driving force of your life be to satisfy Him and when this is settled, the rest will become very easy to do.


Remember that the thoughts of a man builds his actions. So if you channel your thinking energy to Christ, you will not but become like Him.






This is the second step to following Christ. One of the problems that the race of men has is the inability to leave their desires and take God’s own. Once a man can give up his desires for God, following God will be easy to do. Instead of struggling with your desires, leave it out and let His desires be on you.






This is the most interpreted of the steps to following Christ. We have been brainwashed to a point to think that cross is a bad thing. Whereas it is a wrong notion because carrying your cross is not evil rather it simply means becoming like Christ in suffering, patience, love, speech in all His ways.


 When Christ asked us to carry our cross, He meant to become like Him in all ways and behold Him in all ways.  Your cross is not evil, rather it is a call to become like the one you desire to follow.


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Remember, the more you follow a person, the more you see and the more you become like them, this is equivalent to following Christ. The more you follow Him, the more of Him you will see and the more of Him you will become.


Following Christ is easy, we only need to take it through the words of Christ as He has said in the book of Luke. Follow Him and become like Him. 

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