Building a Strong Christian Community: Where Love and Acceptance Thrive.


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A long time ago, I once had a friend whose parents were Elders in her church who  got pregnant out of wedlock. The shame was much for her parents that they had to be suspended from their position in the church. She was exonerated and asked to step down from all her activities in the church. It was an open shake as they were called out in the church while the church decided on what would be done to them. 


My friend after this trauma she stopped going to church and she refused to have anything to do with the body of Christ and this made her sink so deep in what the church thought they were trying to save her from. Whenever I remember her story, it pushes me to think about the community that the church is building at this time and this era. The church is no longer a place of comfort, the church has turned into a den where love no longer strives and acceptance is difficult in the body of Christ. 


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What God expects of us as believers is not what the church has become now. In the beginning, the community of Christ was built on love and acceptance of all irrespective of who you are, what you have and what you have got to offer. 


The whole group of believers was united in their thinking and in what they wanted. None of them said that the things they had were their own. Instead, they shared everything. [Acts 4:32]. 


This was the foundation of the church when it started after the Holy Spirit came upon the apostles. The church was made a house of love, that at some point, rivalry wanted to arise, yet the apostle, through the help of the Holy Spirit, chose seven men of honor and accountability in order to revert rivalry, hatred and all sorts of strife in the church. This is to show us that the church is not just a community of worship or prayer alone, the church is the home of love and acceptance. 


How then do we build a community of love and acceptance?


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There was a scenario of the church that we have now in the scriptures, it happens that rivalry and hatred arise due to tribes differences. 


Acts.6.1 - Now about this time, when the number of the disciples was greatly increasing, complaint was made by the Hellenists (the Greek-speaking Jews) against the [native] Hebrews because their widows were being is

overlooked and neglected in the daily ministration (distribution of relief).

Acts.6.2 - So the Twelve [apostles] convened the multitude of the disciples and said, It is not seemly or desirable or right that we should have to give up or neglect [preaching] the Word of God in order to attend to serving at tables and superintending the distribution of food.

Acts.6.3 - Therefore select out from among yourselves, brethren, seven men of good and attested character and repute, full of the [Holy] Spirit and wisdom, whom we may assign to look after this business and duty.

Acts.6.4 - But we will continue to devote ourselves steadfastly to prayer and the ministry of the Word.


In order to build a community of love and acceptance, some things should be put in place which include;




This is the first step to building a strong community of love and acceptance. The world we live in is a spiritual world and all things must be viewed in the spiritual lens. A strong Christian community must be built on a high spiritual quality in order for love and acceptance to thrive. Without a high level of spirituality, the community won't be a strong one but one filled with strife. 




This is the second step to building a strong Christian community. A strong Christian community must be built on accountability and this means that everyone in this community is accountable for one another. The community of Christ must be accountable for one another and this way, the love will grow and her people will find peace and acceptability. 




This is the one that we've missed out on so many times in the Christian community. We have lost lovely corrections and discipline, instead we allow emotions to cloud us that we forget that we are not correcting people but rather, we are chasing them into the lion's den. Correction must be done in love and with love. 


A Christian community is one that should accommodate, love, accept and also help her members to feel loved and accepted even amidst strifes and sorrows of life. 


The community should be built on love and acceptability through high spiritual quality, accountability and lovely corrections. Taking these steps as the apostles did in their time, will take the church back to her original position. 

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  1. We should correct in Love
    Thanks Bro

  2. Correction should be made in love and this way, we would be able to build a community of love and acceptance.


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