The place of the Holy Spirit in prayer

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 When I first gave my life to Christ, I struggled so much with prayer and I resigned to fate that prayer is not meant for all, but for some certain set of believers who are going to be called into the ministry.


Don't blame me, you were once like me. There was a point in time, that you decided to give up on prayers, or maybe you are going through yours now. It is something that without the adequate supply of wisdom, it will only end up in frustration.


Why do we have to go through this?


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I know this is the next question on your mind. I have given my life to Christ, yet I can't seem to pray well. What is wrong with my life?


Beloved, nothing is wrong with you, what only went wrong was the fact that you did not understand the right approach to prayer.


Prayer is not what you can do without the Holy Spirit. Praying without Him, is futility. All these struggles I had was as a result of the fact that I never allowed the Holy Spirit to do his job with me. He is meant to help us as believers to pray.


Rom.8.26 - So too the [Holy] Spirit comes to our aid and bears us up in our weakness; for we do not know what prayer to offer nor how to offer it worthily as we ought, but the Spirit Himself goes to meet our supplication and pleads in our behalf with unspeakable yearnings and groanings too deep for utterance.


When Apostle Paul was inspired to write this, this means that God knew that when we try to pray, it is going to be frustrating on our own, that is why His own Spirit was sent to us to make the difference.


We have a weakness, and that weakness is that we can't pray correctly on our own except by the help of the Holy Spirit. He helps us in groanings that we can't uttered. I remember some time ago when I was overwhelmed by things happening in my life, I went to God and I couldn't pray, but I felt the Holy Spirit groaning in me, then I realized what Apostle Paul was communicating in the above text.



What are the roles of the Holy Spirit in prayer?


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1. Understanding.


This is His number one function. Without the Holy Spirit helping you to understand what you want to pray about, it is going to end up in frustration. This is because you would never have the correct way to pray even when you know what to say.

He helps to sharpen and shape our understanding in a way that conforms with God's pattern of prayer, not our patterns of prayer.


Rom.8.26 - So too the [Holy] Spirit comes to our aid and bears us up in our weakness; for we do not know what prayer..


We do not know, but He helps us by birthing understanding into us and this way, He helps us to pray correctly.



2. Enable Us To Do.


After the Holy Spirit births understanding in us, He goes further by enabling us to pray. Many times, we would want to pray, but we would just find ourselves sleeping or yawning. This is where He comes in if we allow Him. He would grant us strength and strategies to pray without fainting.


3. Speaks.


This is where we make errors most times. We allow Him for strength, and understanding, yet we would still like to say the prayers our ways. His role is to speak through us with groanings that we can't uttered ourselves. If we struggle with words in prayer, leave it to Him and cast away distractions, in no time, He would speak through us.



4. Pleads.


This is not the work of men, but the work of the Holy Spirit. He convict us by giving us understanding of what to pray for, He speaks to the Father through us and the same way, He pleads our case before God. You can't plead yourself, you need Him to plead for you.



5. Assurance.


When the Holy Spirit is involved in our prayer life, we would always be rest assured that we have answers. We will only doubt when we do it ourselves without Him involved.

He gives us assurance with peace that floods our hearts.

The above mentioned are a few of what the Holy Spirit helps to do in prayers. His role transcends into enablement to understanding, to speaking and also assuring us that we have a Father who can't fail us, and always ready to hear us.

If you are still struggling with the correct way to pray, leave it to the Holy Spirit while you follow Him without thinking about the patterns of the world’s own way of prayers.


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