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Suffering never ends! We have always heard this several times and it is not a strange phenomenon to us, neither is it a slang strange to our ears. Suffering is inevitable and can't be evaded as we journey in life. Just like breath, every individual has a time or the other in their life that has to be clouded by suffering. The level of suffering now differs for individuals. Mr. A can't suffer the same as Mr. B, there is a level for each person. This is so because each individual does not possess the same destiny and their destination differs. Just as we are in the same train on earth, our destinations differs.


I know the question that you have right now is that “ is suffering a part of my life or what are you insinuating?”  Suffering is a part of the journey we live here in earth. Our Master Jesus Christ made this known to us when He was leaving us. He said there will be sorrows and suffering, but we need to cheer up because he has gone ahead of us to make it all easy. This doesn't mean that as believers we won't be faced with sufferings, but what He wants for us is that in times of our sufferings is for us to find peace, love, strength and even purpose.


Phil.1.29 - There's far more to this life than trusting in Christ. There's also suffering for him. And the suffering is as much a gift as the trusting.



This scripture is making it clear that this life can't be without suffering, and as believers there is far more to the lives that we live than trusting. There is more to prove that we are Christ ambassadors, and this is proved most times by our pains. But the suffering does not meet the glory ahead of us and this is why we must ensure to find purpose in our suffering moment.


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Suffering means going through, enduring and experiencing pains. It can be positive or negative.


   Now, taking a look at this definition, you might be wondering how then do I discover purpose in the midst of pains. One of the indicators of purpose in life is pain. Apostle Joshua Selman once said in one of his messages on purpose, “your pains are indicator to your purpose. That which you are suffering for is where your purpose lies”. This is the simple truth for all believers. God makes you experience that pain not because he is handicapped, but because gold is not beautiful without trial by fire, and this is why he won't allow you to be tried more than what you can bear.



Believers don't suffer more than their ability rather we go through sufferings that we can bear. God knew that John the Baptist needs to suffer in the wilderness just for the people to hear and for him to prepare the way of the Lord. You are going through that pains that looks like fire just because if you don't go through it now, some lives will not be blessed.


I waited five years after secondary school before I got admission into the University. It is not that I don't have good results, but it just needed to happen because after my waiting period that was painful, many teenagers going through the same phase started coming my way. If I had not been through that phase, I wouldn't be able to give the advice that they need and also, I won't be able to understand what they are going through at the moment. So what you are going through at the moment is a pointer to what will come with the glory ahead.


Gold is not beautiful until it passes through fire and the fire that makes gold beautiful is not a small one, just like gold, believers are made beautiful through the pains they go through. The fire does not affect the gold, rather it births it beauty. Your sufferings does not affect you, rather it births the true you, the beautiful you.


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How can I find purpose in suffering?


1. Seek answers from God.


I like saying this, no one knows the product better than the manufacturer. So when you are going through pains, seek answers from God. He is your manufacturer, so He knows best. You seek answers through prayers, intentional studying of the scriptures, meditation and fellowship.


2. Keep a positive attitude.


One of the errors we made in life is having a negative attitude towards our moment of suffering. Instead of being negative and cursing God, be positive and keep holding on to God. Just like Job, he remained positive and sought answers.


3. Avoid toxic people.


One of the things that helped me when I was going through my pains in life is the influence of good and positive people. Even when I was not positive, they remained positive for me and encouraged me. So if you are going through yours now and you need to find purpose, then move out of those toxic relationships that you are in.


4. Be focused.


Don't be pressured by what you are going through. Be pleasured to suffer just as your Master did. Be focused on the prize ahead and forget the pains here.


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Suffering never ends, but there is a glory ahead for beloved of the Lord who keeps their eyes on the prize ahead. It won't last long; it is just for a while. The pains, the torment, the troubles won't last long, they will expire before you know it. Be focused, seek answers and remain positive at all times.


Remember, your pains are a pointer to where you are going, so gladly take them and believe that it won't take time before it will expire.

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