The God Head

The God Head consist of three distinct and special personalities. God the father, God the son, God the Holy Spirit (John 1:1), who work together and have one mind. The bible shows us that the God Head also known as the trinity consist of three personalities not merely three different names of a person (GOD). The triune God is the one that created and made things into existence, for further explanation when God was creating man, he said man he said let us create man in OUR image and OUR likeness (Genesis 1;26). The word “our” is talking about the trinity, also when Jesus was on earth, he prayed to his father who was in heaven and also promised when he was leaving that he would send the comforter (Holy Spirit) to us (Christians).

In the Hebrew tongue God is referred to as “Elohim”. This is in plural form, which means that God is triune God. As said above the personalities in the God head are of the same nature. There all have the same (equal) power.

1 John 5:7

In conclusion the God Head is real 

See you soon in my next post do not forget to share, follow and constantly view and read God word. MARANATA.

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  1. Well stated, discussion may lead to further proof

    1. Indeed you're right, Thank you for your comment.

  2. Well stated, discussion may lead to further proof if any still feels otherwise.


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