

Welcome back to my blog page, sorry for uploading this late but I hope it is still a blessing to you.


Today's topic is on sanctification, of course this is a crucial aspect of the Christian race, which must be handled carefully and discreetly, and of course must be well understood, 😊 which is why you should read this post to the end.

so, lets dig deep into this topic....

let's take a short explanation of the topic from our usual dclm app. I quote. 

" God's word teaches: 

That entire sanctification is a definite act of God's grace, subsequent to the New birth, by which Believers heart are made pure and holy."


I am done quoting, another name for sanctification is holiness, purification, and also cleansing of heart, those are the basic synonyms of sanctification amongst many other synonyms I propose, 

This is also referred to as the next step after salvation because you cannot have sanctification without salvation, so you may ask how this sanctification feels like how it helps. This is basically what will keep a Christian to keep growing and firing on in the Christian faith.

Therefore, it is very important and should not be joked with or given in exchange for anything, because what can a man give in exchange for his soul really. and this can only be gotten through faith, not by our works but through the grace of God only, and of course as I said earlier, we can be sanctified only if we are saved. 

so, if you want to be saved you can just follow these steps to be saved and then workout your salvation with fear and trembling. 

  • Accept Jesus as your Lord and savior. 
  • Believe that Jesus died for you on the cross
  • Confess your sins to Jesus. 
  • Decide to follow Jesus for the rest of your life.
  • Forsake your sins. 
  • Ask for Grace daily to live above sin. 
  • And after you have followed does steps you can then pray for sanctified, just as the word of God says, " sanctify them through thy word is truth". 

In conclusion, …

Sanctification is a very important aspect of the Christian life and must be well understood and also gotten to give a Christian a swell time.


1 peter 1: 14-16

Hebrews 12:14

Ephesians 5:25-27

Luke 1:74,75

so, as I have ended the post on this topic for today, pls don't forget to follow and share and also continue to view this blog thank you. 


see no evil🙈 hear no evil🙉 speak no evil 🙊

