Personal Evangelism


Hello, guys and Ladies, who have been viewing my blog posts thanks for your views, well, Today I will try to be a little graphical about this topic called PERSONAL EVANGELISM, and to whom it may be concerned these images I will be showing here are sourced from the internet all credit to all those who posted them online.

So, what is Personal Evangelism, this is the act of witnessing to people personally (which is not going in groups), the gospel of salvation. That is a simple way to describe personal evangelism.

Alright now let's Jump into how to do personal evangelism. As the name implies the way to practice personal evangelism can be by making a commitment to God every day to preach in buses that I board. when one preaches in a public bus that is also a way of personal evangelism, mind you! personal evangelism cannot be only practiced only through bus evangelist or witnessing, you can also say that you would share tracts every day or you would witness Jesus Christ to at least a person, 

Cautions concerning personal evangelism 

You cannot say that as a Christian every day you must win a soul for Christ, no I feel that is inappropriate use of English, because it is not your work to win souls for Christ, it is only our work to witness which means to tell people about Christ.

you can also watch a Christain series movie called abattoir I will drop the video watch video

Secondly, for a newly converted believer you are not really advised to partake in personal evangelism fully as it is risky for the Christain life of the believer, for example, a newly converted prostitute cannot say that she wants to preach alone in the brothel to her former co-prostitutes as they can lead her to sin and there are also various scenarios i can give but i feel one would do for now.

Now of course for you to participate in any type of evangelism you must be born-again yourself and what does it mean to be born-again, it is the turning away from the old life of sin, some people might say o I was born into a Christian home I don't commit sin that is where you missed it, your self-righteous rags would not do. that is what the bible says about self-righteous people.

So, if you want to give your life to Christ you can just follow these steps,

  • Accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour.
  • Believe that Jesus died on the Cross of calvary for you.
  • Confess Jesus as your personal lord and Saviour.
  • Decide to follow Jesus fully.
  • Ask for grace daily to live above sin.
Congratulations, if you gave you just gave your life to Christ. You can now tell others about Christ and the second work of grace is sanctification which we have already talked about in previous posts.

So, Guys that would be the end of this topic for today.

Don't forget to keep viewing my blog posts and share it and remain blessed and bless other people with God's word.

See no evil🙈 Say no evil 🙊Hear no evil🙉.

